We wear red on
We wear red for our families, our children, our neighbors and our coworkers.
We wear red to remember those who made sacrifices before us,
to make the telephone company a good place to work.
We wear red for livable wages,
To pay our mortgage and taxes.
We wear red for health benefits for our kids.
We wear red for quality time for our family,
to coach little league, help out the church, and go to PTA meetings.
We wear red to volunteer for our community,
To feed the hungry, care for sick children and babies,
And help a neighbor in need.
We wear red because we care,
We care about our neighbors, and our customers.
The History
of Wearing Red
The idea of wearing red as a sign of Solidarity began at the Communications
Workers of America in 1989. It began as a movement out of love for a brother
who lost his life to a SCAB. Tricia McNamara had to get to work and drove
through the line of picketers.
In her desperation, this summer-hire SCAB struck down Brother Gerry Horgan. He gave his life for what he believed in, for what he loved, for what he lived for. He wanted what we all want, a good life for his wife, his children, and his friends. Local 1103 in Westchester County N.Y. lost a Brother that day. A wife lost her husband and two little girls lost their daddy to Corporate GREED. This greed still exists today. The members of that Local wore red for the first time in Unity for Brother Gerry Horgan.
That display of Unity is what CWA members are supposed to be all about. Is it too much to ask that we wear RED on Thursdays, to say with a color or your voice "I'm Proud to Be a Union Member; I'm Proud to Be with CWA!"
wear RED on Thursday, and please remember Brother Gerry Horgan!